We try to be responsive to the issues that are emerging in our school district. While we participate in many activities, initiatives reflect areas where we are doing sustained work. We choose our initiatives by agreeing as a leadership team that a particular effort will benefit equity in our district, and by ensuring one of us is passionate and willing to lead that body of work
Equity Fund
The Equity Fund raises resources from the larger Oakland community to support the schools facing the highest stress. There are schools within OUSD that serve large numbers of families impacted by poverty, high proportions of students in special education, are located in high-stress communities, or face internal stresses and challenges. Our fundraising target is to raise enough resources to provide $20,000 of unrestricted funds to 10 schools for three years.
Integration & Enrollment
Meaningfully integrated schools and classrooms produce better academic and life outcomes for all student. We:
Advocate for OUSD enrollment policies to foster racially and socioeconomically diverse student bodies.
Educate and engage parents at key entry points (kindergarten, 6th and 9th grades) to choose integrated district schools.
Equity on Your Campus
Many schools across our district have equity committees or other structures for working on equity across their schools sites. Many schools have launched efforts where parents work in collaboration with teachers, principals, and existing school teams on equity work to shift cultures and norms at a school site. We've been working to connect these groups and individuals so they can learn from each other and we can build momentum for this work across school sites.